
Lesson Three

All graphic work by Charles Simon

tracings (99K)

tracings2web (19K)

Tracings of a Template.   Rather amazing what happens.   Can't say that I understand it all and how to work out ahead of time what to do.

experimental heart (76K)

This is the heart as instructed topped off with some experimenting.   Applied the Concave3 line profile to the perimeter line then a bevel.

hearts (55K)

Same heart shape with a little more tweaking with the handles of the Shape Editor.

my-fruit (36K)

Place some seeds on the outside of my apple and I think it would look more like a strawberry.   The thing that is lacking here is a three dimensional shape.   Shadows and varying colors would help.

yinyang (34K)

— Until next week —

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Imaging and Art

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